Friday, January 29, 2016

Help Me to Help Yourself

 As your elected Republican Precinct Committeeman for Precinct 187, (your precinct) in Legislative District 9.  I am asking your help. There are currently three Precinct Committeeman in precinct 187 charged with supporting 1200 republican voters.

What is a Precinct Committeeman, and why would I care?

A Republican Precinct Committeeman (PC) represents the GOP voters of his or her precinct at the County Republican Party level. But most importantly, a Republican Precinct Committeeman is the face of the GOP within the precinct. Arizona law defines a party's neighborhood leaders as Precinct Committeemen, who are elected by voters and have a duty to help their fellow Republicans vote. The state of Arizona is divided into 30 Legislative Districts. The Legislative District (LD) is the basic political operating unit.

I am not asking you to become a Precinct Committeeman (though that would be nice), I am asking that you provide me contact information so that I can represent you more effectively. Not long ago, I was serving as you are now by being a reliable Republican voter.  Upon retiring, I sought more involvement by becoming a PC. I was rewarded with information.  I met and am meeting monthly with the PCs of LD9, where we hear from candidates and your elected representatives.

Being a PC would be a lot of work if I did it correctly. The traditional way of contacting you is by showing up at your door and answering your questions  and helping resolve any issues you have with government ( a big job). I find that some voters are not happy with me showing up in this manner, and the chance that you are home when I decide to visit can be low. Instead, I am proposing that you provide me with your preferred means for communicating, to lighten my load. We could communicate any way that works for you to include phone, mail, email, newsletter, website, or in person.

Following I am providing a variety of options for contacting me:
mail: David Farnsworth, 1500 W. Dutton Pl, Tucson Az.
Post to my web site by emailing to
read my web site at:
phone me at (520)360-6965

A method I would prefer is to meet for coffee at a local establishment (preferably with WIFI) so we can converse and I would have the resources of the internet to answer your questions. We could set this up by one of the other channels of communication.  If you wanted to gang up on me, you could  bring friends. I would be willing to meet weekly if we could establish a time and place. (or you could just drop in and drop out when you liked) If we run out of things to do, I can show you how to work your smart phone.

David Farnsworth
PC, LD9 1st vice chair, State Committeeman

This handbook contains information our elected neighborhood party leaders (Precinct Committeemen, or PCs) can use to guide t5704hem in their work.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Amplifying your vote

Are you mad as hell and refuse to take it any more? In today's politically correct society it is not acceptable to express your views.  In the company of like minded individuals, such ideas are acceptable. Further to our precinct Committeeman is available to put you in contact with those persons without the risk of "political shaming".

As a first step, be registered as a Republican. (This gives you more credibility to Republicans. (For non Republicans please read no further). Unfortunately, if you are not registered to vote or are currently voting every election, you are being taken for granted.

To make your views listened to, you need to make a little noise. I prefer not to make a public display of myself but gaining a reputation for reasoned views, it helps to avoid expressing you views in a smaller group to have them refined prior to publication. That is my theory anyway. I became a Precinct Committeeman to start that process. Others reading this could avoid that commitment by piggybacking on my experience.

Step 2 in the process is to form the small group.  My current group is the LD9 Committeeman which is small unfortunately, but not as like minded as I would would like. I would like suggestions on what would attract you to join with me or other Republicans to refine and advertise your views.

I would like to recruit others to become PCs who could be the core of such support groups. "Where ever two or more are gathered" you have the potential to take over your local precient. My precinct, 187, has only 2 PCs. One more and we could be in charge. (Or with three, you could be in charge).  Elsewhere in this blog I outlined a way to meet at coffee to discuss whatever. As an experienced PC I could bring discussion topics and accept research assignments to keep things moving.

Step 3 is to establish channels to amplify our votes. Your views are important and will be more influential if developed in a encouraging environment.

Step 4 is to contact your elected representatives, with your matured views. A great resource for developing contacts is your precinct Committeeman. If there is not one available, you may have to draw straws to create one. (You will be expected to work for candidates as a PC, but that requirement appears to be not met in most cases unfortunately). A painless way to meet that requirement would be to invite prospective candidates to your coffee breaks to have petitions signed )

David Farnsworth, PC, LD9 1st vice chair, State Committeeman.

Statuary meeting of AzGop

I attended the annual meeting of state precient committeemen.  there were a number of very impressive speakers and many not as impressive. One highlight was the documentation of a former Navajo az state senator to the Republican party. Party chairman Robert Graham was instrumental in persuading him to convert.
   Dem convert

I would like the reader to provide an email address so I can start an emaied newsletter containing events relavent to LD9 residents and PCs. to add your email comment on any post